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Persona generation

Ever built a persona from scratch? Uncover actionable tips, tricks, and tools to streamline persona creation and refine audience targeting.
How to Create Personas Using ChatGPT

How to Create Personas Using ChatGPT

A buyer persona gives you an idea about customer goals and motivations. Learn how to use ChatGPT to create buyer personas with template prompts, tools and examples.
10 Min Read

How to Create Buyer Personas from CRM Data

Your CRM contains a goldmine of data that acts as perfect fodder to create accurate buyer personas. Here, we look at everything required to make personas from CRM data.
9 Min Read
How to Build Audience Personas for Youtube

How to Build Personas for Youtube

Learn how to make audience personas for YouTube videos. Use them to make content that resonate with your subscribers, get more views and grow your YouTube channel.
8 Min Read
Guide to Creating Marketing Personas

Guide to Creating Marketing Personas

Marketing personas are the basic foundation of your marketing exercise. By creating personas for marketing, you not only back your decisions with data, but also base them on their needs and emotions.
9 Min Read
How to Generate Your Instagram Personas

How to Generate Your Instagram Personas

In this article, we look at how you can generate your Instagram user personas. Use them, along with your brand persona, to be relevant and attractive to your target audience.
8 Min Read
How to Build Your Twitter Personas

How to Build Your Twitter Personas

Twitter is a great source for audience insights, both B2B and B2C. Develop your Twitter user personas and use them for better targeting, effective messaging and increased conversions.
7 Min Read
How to Create Social Media Personas

How to Create Social Media Personas

Learn how to use rich social insights to create your buyer personas for social media. Use social personas to draft content, prepare strategies, analyze competitors and interact consistently.
11 Min Read
AI Generated Persona: How to Create Personas with AI

AI Generated Persona: How to Create Personas with AI

AI generated personas help you develop relevant and up-to-date personas in an automated manner. They are critical in an era of rapidly changing consumer behavior that generates vast user data.
6 Min Read
Available in 10 languages
How to Create Data-driven Personas

How to Create Data-driven Personas

Customer personas are useful to make decisions that will impact the way businesses reach out to customers. In this article, we help you create a data-driven persona efficiently in a step-by-step format.
9 Min Read
Available in 10 languages
Create Buyer Personas Using Google Analytics Automatically

Create Personas Using Google Analytics

Learn the two best ways to create buyer personas using Google Analytics data (GA4): Manual process using reports & Automatic generation using Persona by Delve AI.
16 Min Read
Available in 10 languages
How to Create B2B Buyer Personas

How to Create B2B Buyer Personas

Know the differences between B2B and B2C buying processes and learn how to create B2B buyer personas. We illustrate these concepts with two examples of B2B buyer personas.
7 Min Read
Available in 10 languages
How to Create Personas Automatically

How to Create Personas Automatically

Learn how to create personas automatically for your and your competitor’s business. By creating buyer/user personas, you can get deeper insights and intelligence to market, sell and serve your customers better.
7 Min Read